The Foragers Calendar by John Wright

One of my recommended foraging books for beginners:

Read the list here

This book was a recent addition that I picked up on a whim this year, and I’m really pleased I did. If there’s one book I’d heartily recommend to anyone with even a hint of an interest in foraging, it would be this one.

While experienced foragers might not glean much in the way of extra information species-wise, John’s writing style is witty, engaging, and his advice is pragmatic. I’ve really enjoyed this book and often refer to it just to read his take on a particular species.

For beginners, it covers everything you really need. There is a good balance between plants and fungi, and the species are helpfully listed in month-by-month sections based on the best harvesting times. Reading it, you will be bombarded with his enthusiasm and humor towards the topic, which you will find quite infectious.

There are fairly clear descriptions and a photograph or two of the species being discussed. This would be my only negative comment. It’s a great-sized paperback to take out and about with you, but the lack of images of the species in various stages lets it down as a ‘field guide’. It’s not a biggie—the image for each species is clear, and there are plenty of other resources to draw from to back up your findings. I hope in future editions the publishers might add even just an extra 1/2 page of supporting photographs/illustrations—this would make it a 10/10 beginners’ field guide.

Highly recommended. Not only is the information clear, but the enthusiasm and confidence it instills in you is also invaluable.